To a layman, the lead soldiers are small figures, more or less graceful, representing troops on parade or action skills, which were long the plaything of not a few children. This definition is entirely correct, as the traditional "tin soldiers" have been part of anthropology's own developed countries over the last three centuries.

However, in the 60's of last century, a number of European craftsmen, they decide to take a further step in the manufacture of these figures, giving them detail and thoroughness, to date ever. It is the birth of the "military miniature" as we know today: a small sculpture fitness pose, perfectly detailed and where the rigor of the uniform premium and artistic quality, the charm of the child's toy. In Spain, the pioneer of this new concept of "soldiers" was, undoubtedly, Ramon Labayen.

This Toulouse, popularly known in his homeland for having been mayor of San Sebastian and Minister of Culture of the Basque Government, and the rest of the world for its wonderful miniatures, began modeling figures in 1961 in a totally self-taught, following the footsteps of the British school of Charles Stadden. Very patience and determination, and his disciple Don Ramón Fermín Galarreta, soon got to play a kind of model, which by its detail and beautifully decorated, very soon became a global standard.

Sorted by series, first drew Labayen collection of references to British, Russians, Germans and Austrians of the nineteenth century. Later came the English troops in the middle of XVIII, Charles IV and the uniforms of the War of Independence. Although the workshop series star born in the early 70's with the "Collection Rousselot" more than 150 devoted to the Napoleonic Wars films based on French illustrators Rigo and Lucien Rousselot. Are in the latter that one appreciates the quality of the sculpture and Galarreta Labayen. The embroidery on the jackets of the marshals, printed on the flags, the dolman and furs of the hussars, and many other details make each piece a gem.

After a break due to its passage by the policy, Ramon Labayen returns to the production of soldiers in the late 80's, with a final collection somewhat anarchic style of the times that the proliferation of a splendid specialized documentation, makes it possible. In his workshop out figures of the English Bourbons, French and Neapolitan eighteenth century, Prussia of Frederick the Great, Maria Theresa's Austrian troops of Kaiser Franz, special figures like Simón Bolívar for the Pavilion of Euskadi in Expo Sevilla. And of course, Napoleon's soldiers on foot and horseback, 54mm and 30mm.

Almost 50 years of producing Labayen miniatures have become the living history of military miniatures, having a before and after the conception of it. His figures, today being Search prized by collectors, have the charm of things done for the sake of art. In the words of Don Ramón: ".... Is a privilege to belong to the world of toy soldiers, which is made of Military History, scholarly iconographic, artistic sensitivity and above all enthusiastic, given to a hobby it is a passion . "

would be an ingrate if from this area were not able to thank this famous Basque artist, as were their thumbnails-back a crystal in the back of the toy kits that Zaragoza-fed during my childhood passion for this hobby.
Therefore by Don Ramón.
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