Since last March 4 outlined in the multipurpose room of Military Museum of A Coruña , the exhibition " Cusachs Arts & Miniature" . The exhibition ends in Galicia the road began a year ago, and has taken three of the most important military-themed museums in our country.
Museum Military Herculina city, located in the heart of the old town, with beautiful views of the harbor entrance Coruña, is the depositary of the samples to the May 31, when he finally say goodbye. As anyone who has not been fond of her, still has time to do so.

This time the collection of 33 miniatures representing as many works by the painter José Cusachs-is wrapped with five oils, faithful reproductions Catalan artist-owned Museum as well as books, magazines, catalogs, postcards, texts and illustrations that tell us a little about life and work of the military painter.

The exhibition " Cusachs Arts & Miniature" , depository of that "project Cusachs"-alma mater of this blog-has been promoted and coordinated by this same space, portal you want to thank first of all miniaturist, collectors and owners of the figures that make up the sample, its willingness to give their "little treasures" for a year.
Secondly, a very special thanks to the Office of Chief of Staff of the Army to have evolved during this time funds from your library , the director of the Museum of Miniatures Jaca, D. Diego Fernandez, the deputy director of the Military Museum in Valencia, D. Rafael Sebastian, the director of the Military Museum of A Coruña, D. José Navas, and by extension to all people working in these museums.
Thank you all, because without their willingness, hard work and enthusiasm, this exhibition would not have been possible.
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