The Benlliure family saga started in this space with the figure of Mariano Benlliure , one of the greatest sculptors who gave the history of art in our country, and the youngest of three brothers also artists. Juan Antonio and José Benlliure, highlighted in the paint, however, with the latter, who left an important legacy.

Benlliure José Gil (1855-1937) was born in the Valencia neighborhood of Cabañal, within a broad family of artistic tradition. Was second of six children, and his life not unlike that of other artists of the time, because as others began as a child prodigy, enrolling only 12 years in art school in Valencia - with 14 years performs old family portraits of King Amadeus of Savoy, as well as portraits of the Duke of Aosta and the Count of Turin, for after being granted a scholarship, to study beyond our borders.

So in 1872 travels to Paris where he spent time with his brother would meet Mariano. In 1878, installed in Madrid paints " Golgotha \u200b\u200b " frame by obtaining a third medal being bought by the English state for the not inconsiderable quantity of 3000 pesetas, money that would allow travel to Rome, where he will meet other English artists such as J Villegas, But i Fondevila, Alvarez Catala et al. From there, José Benlliure not stop working, making numerous watercolors and oil paintings, custom themes, pictures that are sold mostly in England where just getting the silver medal at the International Exhibition in London in 1884.

gets first medal in 1887 at the national show with the "I Coliseum vision "in this table are presented in 1891 at an international exhibition in Munich, where he was awarded the gold medal first class, and the German government gives the" cross of San Miguel ", naming Academic of Fine Arts in Munich.

Benlliure Joseph's career continues to rise, gaining accolades and awards for his work, as medals of Isabella the Catholic or the French Legion of Honor and Academic appointments as School of San Luca in Rome or Milan's Brera Academy, member of the Hispanic Society in New York, director of the Museo de Bellas Artes de San Carlos de Valencia, and so on.

In 1913, José Benlliure he moved to Valencia, where he died on April 5, 1937, yes, but not before being appointed the city's favorite son.
It is in the city of Valencia where the House Museum Benlliure , a place worth visiting for its beauty, and where you can admire, among furniture and nineteenth-century artifacts, other works of this prolific family of artists.