involves a joy to find that military history painting and not quite dead today, and that several young artists have chosen this beloved and admired art field as a professional leitmotif. Thus, illustrators and painters such as Angel Garcia Pinto, Daniel Cabrera Peña, Augusto Ferrer-Dalmau, Marco Artola, Carlos Pena and Jose Parrilla Ferre Clauzel among others, have picked up the baton of the great masters of the late nineteenth and early twentieth endowing his paintings from his personal imprint.
Today I would like to show a semblance of the work of Joseph Ferre Clauzel, a French artist who settled in our country, has changed the beautiful landscapes that until recently his work populated by soldiers, horses and weapons .

of introverted personality, felt Clauzel painting since childhood and his parents understood this when, with only ten he entered the Ecole des Beaux Arts in Paris ABC, for later, and now in Spain, further develop their painting Torrás Study.
From there began his career as a professional painter, selling his paintings in the United States, where he learned the technique and style of American landscape painters. From that early stage were born more than a dozen exhibitions. Interrupted
his career by compulsory military service, the Army is hiding another vocation, and it is there where the idea to implement the military theme in his paintings. Finished its passage through the military, returned to exhibit in France with great public acclaim and sales.

From today Clauzel highlight-backed pictorial quality of belonging to the group Escolá and award-painting, realism, and the personal challenge of the past to something close, through its paint jobs in the military. Without doubt, his paintings help us feel closer to history.

In your website can see the military-themed works of this artist, but to be in these days changing your page, momentarily can not see the landscape side, which I leave here a sample.
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