Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Marijuana Blood Vessel Pop

Miguel de Cervantes, Don Quixote (excerpt)

"Today is the happiest day of our lives, dear Sancho, the biggest obstacles, our own indecision, our strongest enemy, fear of the powerful and ourselves, the easiest thing, wrong; the most destructive, lying and selfishness, the worst defeat, discouragement, the most dangerous defects, pride and bitterness, the most pleasing sensations, good conscience, the effort to be better without being perfect, and especially willingness to do good and fight injustice wherever they are. (...)

In this, it came to how he might make, and that was by tearing a great strip off the tail of his shirt, which hung down, and making eleven knots, one bigger than the others, and this served him for a rosary all the time he was there, where he prayed a million Hail Marys. And what distressed him greatly was not there another hermit who confess and receive consolation, and so amused by the pradecillo walking, writing and carving on the bark of trees and on the fine sand a multitude of verses all in harmony with his sadness, and some in praise of Dulcinea. (...)

His fancy grew full of everything I read in his books, enchantments, quarrels, battles, challenges, wounds,, loves, agonies and absurdities impossible, and it so possessed the imagination was true the whole fabric of invention and fancy he read, that he had not some other story in the world. "


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