From this week can be found on the right side of this blog design, an old aspiration that had to be done. It is " The Pinacoteca " or what is, a collection of albums with more than 800 paintings, sculptures, prints and illustrations of historical themes and English military.

Sorted by seasons, these compilations collect the works of countless artists who have dedicated themselves, at some point in his artistic life, a place to portray, magnify images or simply describe the history of our country.
For this I used a criterion based on the volume of papers devoted to different historical periods, as a further specification would have caused a multitude of small books, something I have tried to flee.

Still have let me make two exceptions to the order above: the album dedicated to Josep Cusachs and incorporating the work of Augusto Ferrer-Dalmau, which I have to thank you for your willingness to share all of their work. The reason why I created a personal space for each of these great artists, is none other than the enormous amount of work that both treasure, deserving, in my opinion, an album regrouping all his paint.

Of course, "The Pinacoteca " does not contain all the work in this subject that exists, so this is a living space in which little by little grouping images to be discovering, photographing or scanning, and would appreciate having the help of amateur anyone wants me out.

this new section is completed an album dedicated to "urban sculpture ", which is still much to include, and the call of " Carlist troops north "than the quantity of prints I preferred to separate.
Finally, I would note that in most of the images contained both the name of its author and the title of the work, apologizing in advance if any have been making a mistake.
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