This week I leave the profile of another contemporary English artist, who at one point in his long career as a painter, took time out to pursue a military figure, work unfortunately are better known outside our borders, in our country.

born José Luis Román in 1949 and began his vocation very young plastic. Already in his high school period, its ease of drawing makes obtaining the status of honors in all courses. Soon begins to attend workshops of their first teachers and their preparation for the race of Fine Arts.

opens his first studio in San Sebastian, when he was 17 years. In that time she participated in several collective exhibitions, which will soon leave for good.
fully dedicated to artistic and intellectual development, traveling throughout Europe and North Africa accumulating experiences and knowledge.

iconographic research, extensive studies in Paris, where he printed his first lithographic series on the Napoleonic era. His work began to be disclosed throughout the world, although it is the Musée de l'Armée who more interested in his work, becoming the depositary of its work.

very interested in the graphic reproduction of the original, developed several different collections for French and English publishing initiatives. Patient and worried
researcher and tireless traveler, has distributed more than 30,000 lithographs throughout Europe and America. Her articles and illustrations, technical and aesthetic concerns, and his love literature, contribute to José Luis Román considered as one of the most qualified specialists, and their original paintings and valid way of making history.

Although today, the artist is away from the military artwork, I invite you to visit their interesting work on your website
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