Joseph Daniel "Josh" Cabrera Peña, is by its youth, the last great artist to arrive at the scene English military illustration.
The Granada, 32, an architect by profession, and no specific training in art, broke two years ago in the world of historical publications, with the force that gives youth, passion and desire to succeed in most desired.
past, although as a child attracted by the drawing and painting miniatures tested with a passion for history-creating medieval rag dolls dressed in clothes, coats of mail and armor, all you were as real as possible, tailoring weapons , buckles, hinges and any small detail that might contain.

At some point, finished the race, Jose Daniel was raised to review all the echoes that were around in your mind about the futility of drawing and painting as a work today, all converging on a single thought: "I can dedicate all the years of my life to a profession that I like, but at least I will dedicate one of my passion, just to prove . "

Thus began drawing comics in the belief of being unable to do anything more elaborate, proving early on that the comic is a discipline much harder times that drawing naked. After releasing a few small jobs in fanzines and magazines, began to illustrate technical manuals, publications of non-military issues, and even backdrops for carnival parades.
It was not until when he converged his fondness for military affairs with his old passion for drawing, in which all improved and began to work much more comfortable.
The proof of this was his move to the editorial Almena to make the illustrations in the volume "The Battle of Toro.1476." After this collaboration come "Gravelinas.1558" and "The Battle of Aljubarrota.1385" to the same editorial, "Alsace" and "Amilcar Barca" to editorial Satrap , and from this year, divides his work as a stable partner for the magazine "Ferro Desperta " painted covers and interior drawings, with work for other publications and individuals.

His work, not descriptive, it ceases to be personal and intuitive. Used oils and watercolors, textiles and paper, playing with color and light, about people well shaped and full of detail, most notably the poses and faces of the same. A striking painting of armor, where it gets a little realism artists.

From his blog "chromatic compass" José Daniel Cabrera, we will continuously update their works and collaborations, stopping as any painter, in explaining their techniques, artistic concepts proposed, its doubts and frustrations, quests and the plastic. .... Consistent researcher, is comfortable in the field of editorial illustration, although every day polls more frequently in the "more traditional painting", which highlights the authors of the eighteenth and nineteenth century.

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