Pokemon Silver Celebi Gameshark
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feasts and celebrations
Then we
enough reasons why to be happy and confirm that (as he says a cat ...!) There is another notion of triumph and success.
believe that each show is a party, and each meeting a joy.
For all this we invite you to a different opening: "Borderline" is "by decree" a party, a celebration of the artist expresses our collective action. INVITE YOU TO BE PART
Wear a hat or anything else head, Venite barefoot or in slippers if precisely what you like, wear a wig or a mask, come dressed, come dressed out of fashion or frog legs. If you're men used skirt, turn to use the wedding dress or grandfather's ties.
Come to Carmen Miranda or lenses to Elton John.
will be the ideal time to showcase that shirt or shirt so ridiculous that you never dared to use, finally see the light in a day where he will be allowed and be very welcome to express your ridiculous.
The results of the action will be a demonstration of our freedom.
BORDERLINE: It will be the excuse perfect. BODY {MARGIN-TOP: 25px; FONT-SIZE: 12pt; MARGIN-LEFT: 25px; COLOR: # FF6633; FONT-FAMILY: Arial, Helvetica}
Gallery hours Wednesday from 10 to 13 and from 16 to 20 hours, Saturdays from 10 to 13 hours.
other times by arrangement phone
free admission
4 Cats - Art Space Av.Rivadavia 15,848 - (1706) Haedo - Pcia of Buenos Aires - Argentina
4 Cats - Art Space The 4 th Cat this month: Viviana Ramos Di Tommaso
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