Late last August, while traveling through northern Spain, visited, accompanied by my daughter and some friends of Estella Navarra population and Carlismo Museum is housed therein.
Estella-Navarra former Carlist capital is a monumental city-born the heat of the Camino de Santiago. Romanesque full of character, its narrow streets, palaces treasure, emblazoned mansions, churches, convents, bridges and beautiful buildings. All this unique heritage, its Jewish quarter, and the bustling commercial activity that people enjoy, have earned him the nickname "the North Toledo."

Located in the old quarter of San Pedro de la Rua, is the recently opened Museum Carlismo , occupies a XVII century building known as the Governor's palace. The museum was opened to the public last Easter after ten years into the renovation of the palace, and after an investment of 5.5 billion subsidized by the Provincial Government.

In the three plants that make up the property is displaying the documentary heritage and historical legacy / art Carlist Party, disappeared in 2000 - transferred in trust to the Government of Navarra indefinite. Along with these pieces, the museum shows other cultural property acquired or transferred by institutions and individuals. Rounding out the museum
a facility dedicated to temporary exhibitions, a graphic about the history and restoration of the palace, and an annex building for offices and storage, engine of research activity has been planned.

Once inside, and after passing through the box office (entrance costs 2 euros), access to rooms is via an elegant two-story courtyard with three arches on columns classic. Once inside the exhibition space, an ordered chronological tour through the panels that incorporate the most relevant historical events in Spain in the nineteenth, flavored by the myriad of objects (flags, uniforms, medals, weapons, paintings, photographs ....) That frame , become a real treat for any fan of the contemporary history of our country.
This exposed in rooms designed for a superb view of objects and texts, where it is to acknowledge the absence of politicization of the contents.

Carlist Museum has an exhibition of paintings devoted careful Carlism and historical period, and now, among the works held by the museum, on loan from the Prado, and forming the temporary exhibition "One history to discover" have been hung on the walls works de Goya, Vicente López, Cusachs, Enrique Estevan, Elias Salaverria, Gustavo de Maeztu, Cecilio Pla, Muñoz-Sala, Francisco de Paula Van Halen, Carlos Vázquez, and José Benlliure Morelli. A luxury.

I attached link with a complete compilation of photos of both the Museum and the building that also houses the interesting story about the Governor's Palace of Estella.
I would like to thank its director Mrs. Olaia Nagore the treatment and the reference made me digital photos for this update. Also commenting that both in Navarre and the Basque Country there are two other Carlist themed museums, in which, unfortunately, the content is very politicized.
Their addresses are: