initially dedicated to the beautiful facsimile edition of richly illuminated manuscripts, decided in 1998 to make l first sculpture, a replica of the monument to the heroes of the regiment Alcántara Mariano Benlliure-long pioneering series from that time championing the firm.

Following a thorough job of research, responsible for real editing sites, looking for the original sketches that once established artists, the first models in clay, plaster or other material, which later The sculptures were used to large size, and make the play that cast in bronze using the lost wax technique, reaches the hands of the collector.

The beauty of the sculpture, interest in its author, the sobriety of the material, subject, size, and exclusivity, make the sculptures are of utmost interest to all lovers of art and history.
Among the works in this collection, you can find reproductions as the aforementioned " Monument to the Heroes of the Regiment Alcántara " of Benlliure pieces like "The Almogávar " and "The Four Evangelists " by Juan de Avalos, the sculpture "El Cid " José Álvarez Cubero, and other works of famous geniuses of sculpture as Manuel Oms y Canet , Manuel Vázquez, Aniceto Marinas and Antonio Miranda.

The last piece in this collection, presented in first in this space, is the reproduction of the sculpture " Hernán Cortés, Conqueror of Mexico ", a work by the sculptor Eduardo Barron (1858-1911), whose original model is located in the beautiful town of Medellin, Extremadura. With a height of 38 inches, the sculpture shows a regal air cutting with one hand waving the banner of Castile and the other the scepter of command and under their feet pieces of Aztec altars and idols.

sculptures Prices from 600 euros to 6,000, to be made, the most economical, with a layer of bronze on cold smelting of copper, and other solid bronze, both treated by hand with patinas of graphite and calcite and terminations polished. The runs are limited to 100 copies.

Finally note that real editing sites has reached an agreement with our beloved and admired Augusto Ferrer-Dalmau to market small-format paintings by the company (as the beautiful example below), projecting, for the near future, a sculpture based on his paintings.